I want to be able to show the percentage discount that a product has on the product tile rather than just the 'sale' icon.
We would like an option to animate the tabs on opening and closing, like the filters in the collection page but in 'slide down/slide up' movement
I wish there was a way to add more form fields to the contact form page – things like dropdowns, checkboxes, text fields, and numeric values. There should also be an option require people to fill out the fields that have necessary information. I think this would help ward off spam as well.
I'd like to be able to display custom badges on products by using product tags
It would be awesome, if I could add more than 5 images to the image slider! Thank you!
I’d like to suggest to have some options for gradients in the theme for backgrounds, buttons etc. Doesn’t have to be elaborate. Thanks!
Hi there, I recently bought the Baseline theme and I’ve been loving it. However, I would love to be able to customize the policy pages, or to be lead to a way how to edit things to achieve this while keeping in line with the Google Merchant Centre requirements and keeping the Policy URL structure the same. Would this be po...
We would like the option to add separate video URLs for Mobile and Desktop within the Video With Text Overlay section.
Dear Community, I can’t seem to find how to change the layout of the product page from “vertical gallery” to a “horizontal gallery”. How do I assign products to a horizontal-gallery product page? I want my product page to look like this, where’s the images are horizontal. Can someone be of help, thanks in advence! Mikashi...
I would like to use an accordion function in the blog post. Same as H2 can become an accordion in the shop.
We'd like an option for the newsletter subscription form to display a notification when someone has already subscribed
We'd like an option to make the add to cart button on product pages sticky for mobile devices.
We'd like to have a section that places text side by side similar to the Image Split section
Can you add gift card recipient field feature functionality to the buy buttons on the gift card template page? https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/online-store/themes/customizing-themes/add-gift-card-recipient-fields
Would love to be able to use images/logos in a marquee
We'd love an option to enable menu icons to be shown on mobile while still having the option to display the text version on Desktop devices.
We'd like the option to blur the page background once the modal cart is opened.
For the life of me I can't figure out on the shopify backend (markets etc.) how to make the currency selector simplified (i.e, show only a selection of currencies). At the moment it shows every single country/currency, meaning the list is unusably long. Google lighthouse gives me a warning about it. Is there something I'm mis...
Would it be possible to display "Last few" inventory status / "Last one" etc under collection product name. Thank you.
We'd like an option to add a dark hover to sections that include images. We'd want the images to darken upon hovering.